Fact: Almost 80% of the gals in US have iPods. So why would "Pavan" buy a girlie thing?? :D hehehe. Nowaysss, he wanted something way beyond iPod. Something, which is rarely seen in gal's possessions. Unanimously, the target locks on Sony PSP. What a cooool device is it!! lemme flaunt abt my PSP for a while.. :)
The evil Sony Corp. locks the full potential of a PSP by its proprietary firmware. But, thanks to Dark_Alex and others who decrypted the firmware and released custom firmwares aka Open Editions, which push the PSP far beyond what it was originally designed!!
Now, I can play games from ISO's, run Homebrew applications, take backups of my UMD's, play Flash games, run emulators and much more.
Custom Firmwares are better than Originial Firmware but there's a catch. Flashing the ROM inside the PSP has a potential risk of
bricking ( turns the PSP into a $200 paperweight!! :) ). A little googling took me to
http://www.pspiso.com/index.php?topic=31177.0 where "The__Android" meticulously explains the process to downgrade and then upgrade to a custom firmware even on a "
downgrade protected TA -082" motherboard.
Now, I'm no more stuck at the 2.6 firmware :)
heres my psp's lifecycle: 2.6>2.71>1.5>3.10 OE-A (happy ever after??!! ;))
I can read pdf ebooks, browse internet on 802.11 b networks, watch movies, of course play mp3's and wma's and the most important "play coooool games".
Right now, i'm in "
PSP heaven" downloading games for free and enjoying ;) I cannot be more happier with a handheld gadget than this!!
PSP is simply awesomeee!!! The carefully thought and super smart XMB (cross media bar) itself impresses any User Interface Designer.
I wish it had a touch screen :( but thats ok..i can live with it.
1) Usb cable Just $1.95 at
pcmicrostore.com includes free shipping (Best price you can ever get)
2) 2 GB pro duo card ( go for Ultra II from sandisk..Its better than sony Hi-speed pro duo)
3) screen protector
4) Extra battery and 4 in 1 charger from intec ( if you travel a lot )
5) Imtoo dvd to PSP converter ( software to convert ur dvd's into PSP format)
Essential Softwares for your PSP:
i) Bookr for reading PDF's and novels.
ii) Custom Firmware 3.10 OE -A
iii) USBSSS for dumping UMD games.
If you have any questions regarding PSP, I'll be glad to help you join my world , just drop in a comment or email.